🐢Intermediate 1

Table of Contents

In the Intermediate part 1, we have covered the following topics:

  1. Assigning:

What does it mean by variables and how to assign values to them in Python? This involves choosing a name for a variable and associating a value with it. Selecting an appropriate variable name is crucial, and there are some important rules and limitations to consider in the naming process.

  1. DataTypes

We will explore fundamental data types such as numerics, booleans, strings, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, along with additional functions associated with each.

2.1. Numeric:

Numeric data types include integers (int) for whole numbers and floating-point numbers (float) for decimals. These types are used to represent and perform operations on numerical values.

2.2. Boolean:

Boolean data type (bool) represents binary values, True or False, used for logical operations and decision-making in programming. Booleans are integral to control flow and conditional statements in Python code.

2.3. String:

Strings (str) are sequences of characters enclosed in quotes, and they are versatile for representing text. String manipulation and operations make them fundamental for handling textual data.

2.4. List:

List is a dynamic and ordered collection of elements, allowing the storage of heterogeneous data types. Lists support versatile operations, such as indexing, slicing, and modification, making them fundamental for managing and organizing data.

2.5. Tuple:

Tuple is an immutable and ordered collection of elements, typically used to group related data. Tuples are defined by parentheses and are valuable for scenarios where data integrity and immutability are desired.

2.6. Set:

Set is an unordered collection of unique elements, defined by curly braces. Sets offer efficient methods for set operations like union, intersection, and difference, making them useful for managing distinct values in a program

2.7. Dictionary:

Dictionary is a dynamic collection of key-value pairs, providing efficient data retrieval through keys. Dictionaries are versatile for organizing and accessing data based on unique identifiers, offering essential functionality for efficient data representation.

Intermediate 1 Document 📚

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